Wheels washers
Our wheel washing solutions ensure the cleanliness and safety of accesses and roads near operation sites and quarries.
Distributor and manufacturer
Marketed under the World Laveur brand, our wheel washers are designed and manufactured by Servi-Loire, a company based in Ancenis, near Nantes in France. We design and manufacture wheel washing stations that are adapted to all types of activities.
Public works sites
Our wheel washers are often used on public works sites
Our wheel washers clean machines and trucks used in quarries
Wheels washers are necessary for road safety
Asbestos removal
To avoid environmental pollution, cleaning vehicles is a must
Our wheel washers remove earth and substrates from construction and site vehicles
Food industry
World Laveur innovates to meet the food industry health standards
Wheels washers
Our models were designed to meet our customers' expectations. We offer washers with or without connexion that can be easily and rapidly installed.
Second-hand / Recycled
At World Laveur, we also offer second hand equipment, depending on stock level. A second life for your products. We can take back our customers' equipement. It will be revised and updated to standards.

Installation of a washer in asbestos removal configuration in a city center

How much does a World Laveur wheel washer cost ?

World Laveur participates in the Greater Paris project

Peter James, your new business manager at World Laveur

World Laveur wheel washers on show at SIM 2021