Installation of a washer in asbestos removal configuration in a city center

Who said a wheel washer could not be installed in the middle of town ?
Certainly not World Laveur teams, who are used to those kind of set-up in urban areas.
Especially for a specific type of operation more and more common in recent years : asbestos removal.
It’s for an asbestos removal mission that World Laveur recently set up a mobile wheel washer in the center of a city in Loir-et-Cher. With the aim to clean the engine of this urban site containing asbestos and so preserve the environment.
The procedure is well-defined : if asbestos is found during the soil analysis, then a strict protocol is established, with an obligatory cleaning of vehicles.

Quick installation of an above-ground wheel washer
Excavators and trucks were therefore able to use the wheel washer in its above-ground version, with 2.70m of useful passage.
Installation on Tuesday, operation on Wednesday, uninstallation on Thursday. The World Laveur teams are able to install products in confined spaces, with rapid intervention resources, to best meet the constraints and demands of customers.
A need for asbestos removal ? Our experts are there to answer all your questions and meet all your needs. Contact us for more information !